The Components of Effective Branding

Whilst branding is about displaying the company logo, tagline, and name as widely and effectively as possible, there is a lot more to it than meets the eye. In fact, branding done right is about embodying the brand, wholly believing in it, and embracing it as part of the company as opposed to a mask that represents the company. Building a business is hard work, and you do not want to let it all crumble purely because you did not take branding as seriously as you should have. As any seasoned entrepreneur will tell you, building your brand consistently is one of the most important things you will do for your company’s success, so pay attention to it.

7 Things You Need to Create Effective Branding as a small business owner or blogger. Make your branding do the work for you!

Be Authentic

In this day and age when people will catch you copying someone else’s ideas in 2.5 seconds thanks to the Internet, it is more important than ever to be authentic. You need to be unique, think-out-of-the-box and always look a step ahead. Authenticity is something that comes from within, and it cannot be taught, so tap in and challenge yourself. It tends to lie dormant when not nurtured, so you need to help it rise to the surface. Do things differently to everyone else, but with purpose so you do not simply look like you are off on an aimless ride.

Consistency in Presentation

Whether you are branding from scratch for your new start-up, or are looking to re-brand for your existing company, consistency is key. Your branding will be represented in every aspect of your business, from office supplies to the decor to any banners, pennants and so on. If it all looks different to each other, you are going to confuse your stakeholders, which is why consistency is important. Psychologically speaking, this helps the brand settle into people’s minds without them knowing it. You can make use of a brand equity management system to find out whether your brand is outdated or not, to help you keep up.


We 21st-century consumers love nothing more than a great story; generally rags to riches, but any will do. People enjoy learning more about the company’s background, how the brand came to be, what the motivation behind its establishment was, and so much more. Give them what they want. Put the story of your company together in an interesting way, so it captivates audiences for some time to come. Create a video perhaps, and plan a unique storyboard for it. You can then share this around as another added feature of your branding plan.

Knowing People

Though you may be an introvert personally, this sort of attitude will not do from a business point of view. You need to be sociable, outgoing, and very people-friendly. If you have to put on an act to do it, then go for it. A business cannot hope to grow or thrive without connections, and any good brand has these connections. You need to network not only with your audience but with your clients as well. These are invaluable not only in the short-term but mainly in the long-term. In other words, you reap what you sow, so sow well.

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