Understanding the Personalities and Working Habits of Your Co-Workers for Better Working Spaces

Some people require quiet areas, while others require collaborative spaces. It is your responsibility to maintain a healthy work environment. Consider including whiteboards and natural light in conference spaces, as well as nooks and crannies for individuals who need to hide. Consider the advantages of open workstations versus private offices.

You’ll need to figure out which rooms are soft/warm, and which are hard/cold. What exactly do I mean? You’ll want to make folks feel at ease at times, and you’ll want to create some tension at other times. You might not want people to escape to a relaxing call room for a phone meeting and then stay for a few hours. You’d want the call room to be nice for approximately 40 minutes in this situation, and then you’d want folks to go somewhere else.

Have a decent concept of how much you should spend and where you should spend it when designing your workplace design. To find the sweet spot, you’ll need to collaborate with your team. Depending on your budget, you may need to prioritize over time, beginning with the most essential items and gradually adding the remainder.

You should also know how long your furniture will last. Do you need that chair to last two years or twenty? If you have a vision for the future of your office space for rent Sydney, incorporate that vision into your office design.

We’re all pre-programmed to react to specific stimuli. When constructing a new environment, work with your team’s biological and social tendencies rather than against them. Here’s what I’m talking about:


One of the most important aspects of developing an ideal workplace design is lighting. Lighting has an impact on a variety of areas of work life, including mental health, productivity, and workplace safety. Knowing what type of lighting to use in a room can make a huge difference. Natural light helps your body’s circadian rhythm, enhances your mood, and increases Vitamin D levels. Warm light (such as from lamps) is more relaxing and appealing, whereas cooler light reduces weariness and promotes collaboration. Consider utilizing mirrors, curtains, and light/dark walls to enhance the lighting effects.


The hue of our surroundings may alter our moods and cause our bodies to react in different ways. Colours that are soft and subdued have a different effect than colours that are bright and dynamic. Natural hues like green and blue can help you focus and be more efficient, while warmer colours might help you think more creatively and intensely. Consider the type of work that will be done in the area. Match the right colour to it, and make sure it matches your company’s branding.


We’re wired to connect with nature and having plants in the office is a shockingly effective method to enhance productivity. Plants may assist to relieve tension, purify the air, and even lower noise levels. Unfortunately, one-third of people say their workplace is devoid of plants. Make your workspace more environmentally friendly to combat this. Although not everyone is a gardener, there are plenty of low-maintenance workplace plants to get you started.

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