Benefits of Teaching Your Child a Musical Instrument

Musical instruments can be very beneficial for a child’s development when they are taught from an early age. They have a healing effect and can create a sense of calm and peace. Music therapy is used in many applications to reduce stress and anxiety, lowering blood pressure, reducing heart rate, reducing muscle tension etc. Music therapy is increasingly used in hospitals to aid the recovery of patients.

Being Able to Set Goals and Achieve Them

There is a process involved in the learning of a musical instrument. It takes a lot of time and patience. A child will need to practise their playing for a long time to fully master the instrument. This constant learning will teach them about perseverance and how to go after a goal. A music instructor can set short term and long term goals for the child such as being able to master a simple melody or a more complicated song with a variety of movements. Working towards such a goal can teach them a lot about the virtues of hard work and they will have a sense of pride when they achieve it.

Improving Memory

There are many benefits of children playing an instrument. By playing an instrument, they are simultaneously learning how to create melodies, store and retrieve memories about playing a song or a scale. This is something that actively engages the brain and gives it a good workout. If your child is suffering from a health condition that causes chronic pain, music therapy can help them distract themselves from the pain as they get immersed in the playing of an instrument. Playing an instrument can be quite a cathartic experience as well as you will be able to channel all your emotions into the playing.

Fine-tuning Mathematics and Reading Skills

Music and mathematics have a connection and the child will be able to recognise patterns easily when they are used to understanding rhythm and beat. These same patterns can be found in maths as well and they can transfer that understanding into a different field. Because they need to read the written music and understand what it is and how to play as well the intensity with which to play the note, children will have an easier time with their reading comprehension as well.

Increasing Coordination of the Body

There is a lot you need to balance when playing an instrument. The brain should be able to work at a higher speed when reading a music sheet to transferring that information into your brain, understanding the notations and then allowing your hands to play the written music in seconds. Children who practise an instrument in the early years will have increased hand eye coordination and faster time processing information. They will be able to be more comfortable in social situations as they will play instruments in front of family, friends and even professional audiences. And this is something that will help them academically as well.

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