How to Attract More Organic Traffic to Your Website

organic SEO traffic experts

Organic traffic refers to traffic generated by real people not compelled by online ads or sponsored content. If a user does a search query and clicks on a link to your website, then that’s organic traffic. As it is, organic traffic is the best type of traffic to attract. It’s less expensive than PPC and you can be assured of high-quality traffic. That is, organic traffic tends to have higher conversion rates. Here are several suggestions for attracting more organic traffic to your website:

Optimise with Long-Tail Key Phrasesbest digital marketing agency melbourne

Optimising content with keywords to drive organic traffic can be challenging. The toughest part is choosing the right keywords, of course. In general, avoid the generic or broad key phrases that attract very high volumes of search queries. The issue with these broad keywords is that there are serious heavyweights who dominate the search rankings. Your small brand may have to spend tens of thousands of dollars and months of effort to get up there with those. If you want an effective keyword strategy, aim for long-tail keywords that draw relatively low search volumes. These are not as competitive so even the smaller brands have a high chance of standing out. Keyword research in this manner is not for the faint hearted. So hire a reputable local digital marketing agency to do the research for you.

Create Content Based on Customer Questions and Feedback

The best way to create compelling content is to show users what they want. Most companies and websites often have a set of frequently asked questions. There may be patterns in customer feedback. Base your articles, videos, and blog posts on these burning questions. You can safely speculate that if several customers have already answered a question, then future customers may also have similar questions. Instead of copy and pasting an email reply, create a blog post about it. Then these interested customers would naturally visit the blog or the website to find answers. Your site will be attracting traffic and offering customer service at the same time. You can also base content on the most frequently typed Google search queries.

Be a Guest Blogger or a Writer on a Highly Reputable Website

Sometimes the best way to compel people to visit your website or blog is to write on other people’s websites or blogs. If you offer guest contributions to a highly popular website, then you are making people aware of your personal profile, brand, and value propositions. Use links or drop brand names to drive traffic back to your own domains. The more reputable the site is, the more reputable your profile will ultimately become. The best way to create trust that drives organic traffic is to blog or write op-eds for legitimate newspaper websites. These have social proof than most other personal or branded sites. Be careful not to guest blog for the sake of guest blogging. Always choose high-quality sites.

Also, keep websites updated and publish only the best quality content. Go through your backlink database and remove any dubious links. Quality and consistency is what really drives organic traffic.

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